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Archive for the ‘Steven Moffat’ Category

Video: Steven Moffat Talks New Doctor Who Series & Matt Smith

Friday, March 19th, 2010

New Doctor Who series producer Steven Moffat had a chat with the folks on BBC Breakfast this morning about the new series and has a few words to say to calm the fears of fans who are worried the new Doctor can’t be as good as the old one.

Moffat also talks about some of the returning monsters we’ll see this series, including the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels, and confirms the long-standing rumor that the reptilians you see in the first trailer are indeed the Silurians.

Peter Davison and Steven Moffat Videos From Gallifrey One 2010

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

As I mentioned in my last post, since I wasn’t able to attend the recent Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in LA, I’m living vicariously by posting some of the great videos which Doctor Who fans at the con have been sharing with the world.

The latest two are recordings of videos they played on the convention screens, so the picture and sound quality isn’t the best. The first one is a greeting from new showrunner Steven Moffat to the fans attending the convention — this one was shared almost immediately online, unlike the second one. (Note: the first video is a Flickr video and won’t work without Flash, unfortunately. It was the only copy of the video I could find after a pretty exhaustive search)

TARDIS Interior to Get a Redesign to Go With the New Doctor

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

tardis console room series 1The Telegraph is reporting that the current TARDIS interior will be given “a complete overhaul” before the end of David Tennant’s run, just in time for new Doctor Matt Smith to take over.

The details are a little sparse at this point, but the redesign was the idea of new producer Stephen Moffat, and has been described as “the most high-tech, intricate TARDIS ever.”

Personally, I really like the current interior, but wouldn’t mind seeing something a *little* closer to the traditional roundels and columns, but I guess I’ll have to wait and see before I pass judgement.

David Tennant Leaving Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

David Tennant leaving Doctor WhoThe rumors we’ve all heard for a while now about David Tennant leaving Doctor Who are true. It’s official: According to the BBC,  David Tennant has announced he will no longer be playing the role of the tenth Doctor once filming of the 4 Doctor Who specials in 2009 has been completed.

Tennant said the following during his announcement:
“I’ve had the most brilliant, bewildering and life changing time working on Doctor Who. I have loved every day of it. It would be very easy to cling on to the TARDIS console forever and I fear that if I don’t take a deep breath and make the decision to move on now, then I simply never will. You would be prising the TARDIS key out of my cold dead hand. This show has been so special to me, I don’t want to outstay my welcome.

Doctor Who References on The Middleman

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

classic Doctor Who monster the ZygonsI’ve been enjoying a show on ABC Family called The Middleman. I forget how I found out about it, since it’s on a channel I’d normally not watch, but I’ve been enjoying it a lot.

It’s very silly, but clever… almost an updated Avengers (definitely making nods to it anyway — the first episode had an extended sequence that was a spoof recreation of the opening theme to the Emma Peel Avengers — a shortened form of this serves as the opening titles for each episode of The Middleman). It’s also *kind* of like Torchwood but less angsty, “dark” and self-consciously “adult” the way Torchwood tends to be (to it’s detriment IMO).

Doctor Who Producer Steven Moffat Wins Third Hugo With “Blink”

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

Steven Moffat, Writer & Producer for Doctor WhoIncoming Doctor Who producer Steven Moffat has been announced as the winner for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form for the Series 3 episode “Blink”, according to the offical Hugo site.

This makes the third Hugo award Moffat has won in a row for Doctor Who episodes. His first award was for his 2005 two-parter “The Empty Child” & “The Doctor Dances”, his second was for the series two episode “The Girl In the Fireplace”.

The creepy episode featured the Weeping Angels, who threatened the life of Sally Sparrow and others in that year’s “Doctor-lite” episode which turned out to be one of the best of the series.