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Archive for the ‘New Doctor Who’ Category

Third New Clip From Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Shown on CBBC at 11:30 GMT – not half an hour ago – got to love the speed of the Internet.

This brand new clip features the newly regenerated eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond (presumably no relation to the duck pond in the clip) debating whether the pond in question can really be a duck pond even if it never has ducks.

The two are interrupted as the Doctor clutches his chest as he seems to be having some kind of physical problem with the regeneration (which we know from The Christmas Invasion can take fifteen hours to “set”).

Video – BBC America Doctor Who Series 5 Trailer

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

BBC America has started airing their own trailer for the new series of Doctor Who, featuring Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. This new trailer includes new footage not seen in the recently released BBC trailer, so more freeze-frame fun for us fans to over analyze the footage to tide us over until the series begins in April.

From the voice over:

“The Universe is vast and complicated. Sometimes, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.

All of time and space… Everything that ever happened or ever will… Where do you want to start?”

Video: Steven Moffat Talks New Doctor Who Series & Matt Smith

Friday, March 19th, 2010

New Doctor Who series producer Steven Moffat had a chat with the folks on BBC Breakfast this morning about the new series and has a few words to say to calm the fears of fans who are worried the new Doctor can’t be as good as the old one.

Moffat also talks about some of the returning monsters we’ll see this series, including the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels, and confirms the long-standing rumor that the reptilians you see in the first trailer are indeed the Silurians.

Video – New Doctor Who Trailer For Series 5

Friday, March 19th, 2010

The new Doctor Who Series 5 (or 31, depending on how you’re counting) trailer which was revealed at the end of yesterday’s the Eleventh Hour premiere in Cardiff has made it onto YouTube. It features a voice-over from new companion Amy Pond which leads into a voice over from the Doctor.

There’s a montage of highlights from the new series including Daleks, a space dogfight, “Pete’s World” Cybermen, and another worrying shot of the Doctor holding a gun.  I’ve added the video below, as well as a video of the 30 second scene from the beginning of The Eleventh Hour below that.

3 Videos from Premiere of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour BBC Press Launch

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Very exciting: the first episode of Matt Smith’s first series of Doctor Who has premiered in Wales at a BBC press launch today, March 18th.  A number of clips from the premiere (or related to it) have been posted to YouTube already and I’ve gathered several here for you to view.

Warning: contains minor spoilers for the episode and the new series, but probably nothing you haven’t heard already.

First, a short intro interview with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, leading straight into a short clip of the new Doctor in action in “The Eleventh Hour”:

Doctor Who Special “The Waters of Mars” New Preview Video

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

The BBC has released a preview of the upcoming Doctor Who special “The Waters of Mars”, which is set to air “Novemberish” according to exiting producer Russel T. Davies. You can view the clip below, assuming the BBC doesn’t yank it from YouTube.

So far there’s not a lot of official details about the story, beyond the casting of Lindsay Duncan as the Doctor’s companion for the story, and the obvious information that it’s set on Mars. We know that Duncan will be playing the head of Mars Base, and will not welcome the Doctor’s arrival.

David Tennant To Appear in a Two Part Sarah Jane Adventures Story This Fall

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

The Tenth Doctor, Sarah Jane and K9The BBC Press Office is has announced that David Tennant will be appearing in two episodes of the upcoming series of The Sarah Jane Adventures.

In an interview (see video below), departing Doctor Who producer Russel T. Davies described it as “not just a cameo appearance. It’s not just like he turns up at the end in the TARDIS… It’s a proper story where the Doctor gets involved… he meets Sarah Jane’s gang, the stakes are really high and… it’s like a treat for those who are missing Doctor Who on the screen.”

John Simm and Bernard Cribbins Confirmed for Doctor Who Specials. Donna and others to Follow?

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Bernard Cribbins & John Simm on Doctor Who setWell, it’s official. Not only is Bernard Cribbins appearing in one of the final David Tennant stories, but on-set photos also show John Simm has returned to Doctor Who! The image at right (credit for the photo goes to alun.vega) shows Cribbins and Simm passing each other on-set.

Cribbins played Donna’s grandfather Wilf Mott in series 4, and of course John Simm appeared in series 3 as The Master. So far, this substantially confirms recent rumors that Tennant’s final stories would feature a return of Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler (again!), Wilf Mott, and the Master.

11th Doctor Who Announced: Matt Smith, the Youngest Doctor Ever

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

11th doctor who matt smithIt’s official. As I mentioned in yesterday’s article “11th Doctor to Be Announced Saturday” the BBC has announced the actor to play the 11th Doctor on Doctor Who, replacing departing Doctor David Tennant.

The new Doctor will be played by Matt Smith (pictured right), who will be the youngest actor to play the part at 26 years old. Before this, the youngest person cast as the Doctor was 5th Doctor Peter Davison, who was 29 when he took on the role.

11th Doctor to Be Announced Saturday

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

The BBC has stated that they will be officially announing the name of the actor who has been hired to play the eleventh Doctor.

The new actor was cast last year, and the BBC uncharacteristically was able to keep the lid on the secret through the holidays.

Head of drama at BBC Wales, Piers Wenger said: “We believe the actor is going to bring something very special to the role and will make it absolutely their own. I just can’t wait to tell everyone who it is – it has been a nail-biting Christmas trying to keep this under wraps!”