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Archive for the ‘Doctor Who Trailer’ Category

New Doctor Who Series Trailer & Clips From Jonathan Ross Show

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Matt Smith appeared today on the Jonathan Ross show in the UK. For those of us who missed the broadcast (or who, like me, couldn’t see it due to a pesky ocean being in the way) I’m collecting the clips here.

First off we have a new version of the Doctor Who series 5 trailer (or series 31, or “series fnarg” as some people are calling it). This is substantially similar to the second BBC trailer I posted a few days ago, but has a slightly different voiceover and a few new bits of footage for us to pause and geek over.

Video – BBC America Doctor Who Series 5 Trailer

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

BBC America has started airing their own trailer for the new series of Doctor Who, featuring Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. This new trailer includes new footage not seen in the recently released BBC trailer, so more freeze-frame fun for us fans to over analyze the footage to tide us over until the series begins in April.

From the voice over:

“The Universe is vast and complicated. Sometimes, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.

All of time and space… Everything that ever happened or ever will… Where do you want to start?”

Video – New Doctor Who Trailer For Series 5

Friday, March 19th, 2010

The new Doctor Who Series 5 (or 31, depending on how you’re counting) trailer which was revealed at the end of yesterday’s the Eleventh Hour premiere in Cardiff has made it onto YouTube. It features a voice-over from new companion Amy Pond which leads into a voice over from the Doctor.

There’s a montage of highlights from the new series including Daleks, a space dogfight, “Pete’s World” Cybermen, and another worrying shot of the Doctor holding a gun.  I’ve added the video below, as well as a video of the 30 second scene from the beginning of The Eleventh Hour below that.