Friday, February 14, 2025 17:58

Video – New Doctor Who Trailer For Series 5

The new Doctor Who Series 5 (or 31, depending on how you’re counting) trailer which was revealed at the end of yesterday’s the Eleventh Hour premiere in Cardiff has made it onto YouTube. It features a voice-over from new companion Amy Pond which leads into a voice over from the Doctor.

There’s a montage of highlights from the new series including Daleks, a space dogfight, “Pete’s World” Cybermen, and another worrying shot of the Doctor holding a gun.  I’ve added the video below, as well as a video of the 30 second scene from the beginning of The Eleventh Hour below that.

And here’s the clip from the premiere of a young Amy Pond meeting the newly regenerated eleventh Doctor for the first time:

Update: You might want to also check out the BBC America Doctor Who trailer for the new series.

Still worried that the new Doctor can’t possibly be any good? Take a look at this video interview with Steven Moffat from today’s BBC Breakfast to set your mind a little more at ease.

Trust me — I’ve been through this “oh no, a new Doctor!” thing SEVEN times since I became a fan in the late 1970s, and I know this will work out OK. In fact, to quote the 9th Doctor, I think it’ll be fantastic!

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