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Archive for the ‘Doctor Who Fans’ Category

Video: Sutekh the Parakeet Quotes Doctor Who

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

It’s been ages since I’ve had a chance to update the site so I thought I’d just add a quick post with a short video of my parakeet Sutekh The Destroyer, named after the classic Doctor Who villain of the same name from Pyramids of Mars.

Being the silly geek that I am, when I got him a few years ago I thought to myself “what’s the most ridiculous thing I could name a parakeet?” — given parakeets are small, harmless & friendly animals I figured the exact opposite would be an ancient and powerful god of evil, and so immediately thought of Sutekh from Pyramids.

Obsessive Doctor Who Fan Partially Converts Daughter into a Cyberman

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

OK, it’s not as bad as it sounds. I found this very funny article which seems to prove that at least *some* school administrators have a sense of humor in these days of overreactions and overzealous protection against theortecical physical or psychological harm.

It seems a Doctor Who fan asked his daughter if she’d like to pose in her kindergarten photo wearing a Cyberman voice changing helmet which she was fond of (despite not being old enough to watch the show yet).

Peter Davison and Steven Moffat Videos From Gallifrey One 2010

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

As I mentioned in my last post, since I wasn’t able to attend the recent Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in LA, I’m living vicariously by posting some of the great videos which Doctor Who fans at the con have been sharing with the world.

The latest two are recordings of videos they played on the convention screens, so the picture and sound quality isn’t the best. The first one is a greeting from new showrunner Steven Moffat to the fans attending the convention — this one was shared almost immediately online, unlike the second one. (Note: the first video is a Flickr video and won’t work without Flash, unfortunately. It was the only copy of the video I could find after a pretty exhaustive search)

Doctor Who Gallifrey One Brigadier Skit “The Unsung Hero”

Monday, March 8th, 2010

During the Gallifrey One convention held in Los Angeles in February of 2010, I was following the Gally discussion via the TARDIS Databanks Twitter account and noticed a lot of  mentions of this Doctor Who sketch put on during the masquerade.

I also heard a lot of people praising this guy throughout the weekend on his spectacular Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart costume which you see featured during the skit.

Check out the full (and very funny) skit “The Unsung Hero” from the Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in February 2010:

5 Gallifrey One Dalek Videos

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

I wasn’t able to make it to this year’s Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, but I lived vicariously and somewhat enviously through people tweeting during the convention weekend.

I decided I’d collect some of the videos from the con here on the TARDIS Databanks so some of the best are gathered in one place  and help others live vicariously too.

To get the ball rolling, I thought I’d share a few videos of a fan-made Dalek that was roaming the halls of the LAX Mariott. I’d love to have seen the thing up close (heck, I’d love to OWN the thing!) – it looks amazing from the videos. And clearly, the fan operating it was having a blast, too.

Doctor Who Comic The Stalker of Norfolk – Part 28

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Rich has posted the latest page from his ongoing Third Doctor story "The Stalker of Norfolk".

I've been enjoying Rich's work since discovering The Ten Doctors comic strip a couple of years ago. He's clearly a big Doctor Who fan and he does a great job of capturing the different Doctors look and personalities.

Use the link below to view part 28 of The Stalker of Norfolk.

Click for source

Doctor Who Comic The Stalker of Norfolk – Part 28

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Rich has posted the latest page from his ongoing Third Doctor story "The Stalker of Norfolk".

I've been enjoying Rich's work since discovering The Ten Doctors comic strip a couple of years ago. He's clearly a big Doctor Who fan and he does a great job of capturing the different Doctors look and personalities.

Use the link below to view part 28 of The Stalker of Norfolk.

Click for source

Tonight’s The Night Doctor Who Scene

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

As many UK residents know, the show Tonight’s The Night, which is hosted by Doctor Who’s own John Barrowan (a.k.a. Captain Jack Harkness) has been running a competition to win a chance to star in a special Doctor Who scene with Barrowman.

Well, the winner has been picked, and the scene aired last night on BBC One. You can find a YouTube video of the scene below, which features a surprise appearance by David Tennant. Considering filming for his final Doctor Who episodes has now wrapped, this is probably about the last thing Tennant filmed on the TARDIS set!

Doctor Who Celebrates 45th Anniversary

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

First Doctor William Hartnell

Forty-five years ago today, one day after the assassination of US president John F. Kennedy, viewers in the UK witnessed the beginning of a legend — “An Unearthly Child”, the very first episode of Doctor Who.

It’s hard for a modern viewer to imagine what it was like back in 1963, as the first notes of that haunting, unearthly theme music  was first heard.

The episode introduced the mysterious character known only as “the Doctor”, and his ancient, barely-working, but still amazing TARDIS.

Timelord Rock – The New Genre of Music?

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

A Doctor Who fan named Alex Day has invented a new genre of music… Time Lord Rock, or “Trock” for short.

It seems Alex tried to get into “Wrock” which apparently is “Wizard Rock” for Harry Potter fans. I’d never heard of it before, but then I’m not really into Harry Potter, so there you are.

Alex tells the story of how he invented a new type of music just for Doctor Who fans in his YouTube video below, as well as demos the first Trock song.

Oh, and apparently his band’s name is Chameleon Circuit, which is a great name.