Tuesday, October 22, 2024 00:49

Video – New Doctor Who Trailer For Series 5

March 19th, 2010

The new Doctor Who Series 5 (or 31, depending on how you’re counting) trailer which was revealed at the end of yesterday’s the Eleventh Hour premiere in Cardiff has made it onto YouTube. It features a voice-over from new companion Amy Pond which leads into a voice over from the Doctor.

There’s a montage of highlights from the new series including Daleks, a space dogfight, “Pete’s World” Cybermen, and another worrying shot of the Doctor holding a gun.  I’ve added the video below, as well as a video of the 30 second scene from the beginning of The Eleventh Hour below that.

3 Videos from Premiere of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour BBC Press Launch

March 18th, 2010

Very exciting: the first episode of Matt Smith’s first series of Doctor Who has premiered in Wales at a BBC press launch today, March 18th.  A number of clips from the premiere (or related to it) have been posted to YouTube already and I’ve gathered several here for you to view.

Warning: contains minor spoilers for the episode and the new series, but probably nothing you haven’t heard already.

First, a short intro interview with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, leading straight into a short clip of the new Doctor in action in “The Eleventh Hour”:

Interview With Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith During Filming for His First Series

March 17th, 2010

The Guardian has posted an interesting interview with Matt Smith on their website a few days ago which is well worth reading. This is the first extensive interview with Matt Smith I’ve seen online and gives a few tantalizing looks into how he will be playing the eleventh Doctor.

I’ve had a really good feeling about Matt Smith as the Doctor since first seeing “The Eleventh Doctor” confidential last year (see video below), and this interview as well as the interview with Steven Moffat in the March 2010 issue of Doctor Who Magazine are leaving me very eager to see the new series.

Peter Davison and Steven Moffat Videos From Gallifrey One 2010

March 10th, 2010

As I mentioned in my last post, since I wasn’t able to attend the recent Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in LA, I’m living vicariously by posting some of the great videos which Doctor Who fans at the con have been sharing with the world.

The latest two are recordings of videos they played on the convention screens, so the picture and sound quality isn’t the best. The first one is a greeting from new showrunner Steven Moffat to the fans attending the convention — this one was shared almost immediately online, unlike the second one. (Note: the first video is a Flickr video and won’t work without Flash, unfortunately. It was the only copy of the video I could find after a pretty exhaustive search)

Doctor Who Gallifrey One Brigadier Skit “The Unsung Hero”

March 8th, 2010

During the Gallifrey One convention held in Los Angeles in February of 2010, I was following the Gally discussion via the TARDIS Databanks Twitter account and noticed a lot of  mentions of this Doctor Who sketch put on during the masquerade.

I also heard a lot of people praising this guy throughout the weekend on his spectacular Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart costume which you see featured during the skit.

Check out the full (and very funny) skit “The Unsung Hero” from the Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in February 2010:

5 Gallifrey One Dalek Videos

March 7th, 2010

I wasn’t able to make it to this year’s Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, but I lived vicariously and somewhat enviously through people tweeting during the convention weekend.

I decided I’d collect some of the videos from the con here on the TARDIS Databanks so some of the best are gathered in one place  and help others live vicariously too.

To get the ball rolling, I thought I’d share a few videos of a fan-made Dalek that was roaming the halls of the LAX Mariott. I’d love to have seen the thing up close (heck, I’d love to OWN the thing!) – it looks amazing from the videos. And clearly, the fan operating it was having a blast, too.

Doctor Who Comic The Stalker of Norfolk – Part 28

February 10th, 2010

Rich has posted the latest page from his ongoing Third Doctor story "The Stalker of Norfolk".

I've been enjoying Rich's work since discovering The Ten Doctors comic strip a couple of years ago. He's clearly a big Doctor Who fan and he does a great job of capturing the different Doctors look and personalities.

Use the link below to view part 28 of The Stalker of Norfolk.

Click for source

Doctor Who Comic The Stalker of Norfolk – Part 28

February 10th, 2010

Rich has posted the latest page from his ongoing Third Doctor story "The Stalker of Norfolk".

I've been enjoying Rich's work since discovering The Ten Doctors comic strip a couple of years ago. He's clearly a big Doctor Who fan and he does a great job of capturing the different Doctors look and personalities.

Use the link below to view part 28 of The Stalker of Norfolk.

Click for source

Discovering Barbara Wright via The Hathor Legacy

February 8th, 2010

Just found an interesting article written by Jennifer Kesler on The Hathor Legacy blog. The article is written by someone who is new to Doctor Who, and unlike most new fans, has never seen the modern series.

She decided to start with the beginning, and so has been watching the earliest episodes of the show from the 1960s (as well as a brief detour into the first of the "Dalek Movies" which are definitely not proper Doctor Who, but she caught on to this quickly).

Doctor Who: Podshock Second Life Meet Up February 2010 Video Intro

February 8th, 2010

A few times a year, the guys at Doctor Who: Podshock have a virtual meet-up in Second Life.

If you're not familiar with Second Life, it is a virtual world created by Linden Labs, where people can create custom "avatars" to represent themselves as they move around in a virtual world.

People spend hours and hours in this virtual world, creating virtual items from clothing to working machines, and some fans have even created a "working" TARDIS, and a reproduction of the Cardiff Bay area, adorned with Doctor Who posters, statues, and other icons from the show.