Friday, February 14, 2025 18:19

Updating the Blog Again

Just a quick note to say to regular readers that I apologize for not updating the blog in so very long. 2009 was a pretty insane year for me, and I just couldn’t keep up with the site.

Fortunately, 2010 looks to be a very much better year for me, and I’m setting up a few things to make things easier for me to post regularly, in fact, much more often than before. I’ll be posting the latest Doctor Who news, plus links to interesting Doctor Who related articles, podcasts, and other media.

I’ll also start posting more of my own articles, as well as a few other fun things I have in mind.

Updates will go out on the RSS feed, and I will shortly be adding in Twitter integration, so you can follow the TARDIS Databanks on Twitter to keep up to date.

That’s all for now. Talk to you earlier…

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